
Admission for registration from 2nd year

2nd and 3rd registration

In accordance with the ministerial decree of 25 May 2016 setting the national training framework and the modalities leading to the award of the national doctoral diploma, an individual monitoring committee, responsible for ensuring the smooth running of the thesis, must be set up for each doctoral student. The modalities of composition, organization and functioning of this committee are set by the councils of each doctoral school. To find out about them, please refer to the website of your doctoral school.

You can download :


As indicated in the registration procedure, you must provide an employer certificate (unless your employer is INSA Lyon) confirming your funding for your re-registration in the 2nd and 3rd year if you have a 3-year contract.


Registration for 4th year or more

You can download :




If you defend your thesis after August 31, your re-enrolment in the next year or more is MANDATORY.

If you defend before December 31, you benefit from the exemption from registration fees and the CVEC. In this case too, it is not necessary to proceed with a request for an extension. ATTENTION: if the defense is postponed after December 31st, it will be necessary to regularize the situation (registration fees, CVEC and extension request).



FEDORA Department
Bâtiment Direction
37 Avenue Jean Capelle
Tel :
Mail :

Student service
Bâtiment Camille Claudel 
8 allée du Rhône
Tel : 
Mail :

Your personal space on ADUM

Additionally to your registration, ADUM allows you creating you personal Ph.D. student page and then:

  • Follow you cursus all along your Ph.D. studies;
  • To register to the transverse trainings that are proposed;
  • Get access to a collaborative space dedicated to Ph.D. students, to a virutal desk and a mail adress through which you will receive information regarding your studies, the Ph.D., Research… all along your cursus.

Access to ADUM =>


UdL page on ADUM (tutorials for account creation and registration)