Useful documents and reference texts
- Order of 25 May 2016 establishing the national framework for training and the procedures leading to the award of the national doctoral diploma
- Order of 22 February 2019 defining the skills Ph.D. holders and registering the doctorate in the national directory of professional certification
- Decree No. 2009-464 of 23 April 2009 on contractual doctoral students in public higher education or research institutions
- Order of 15 June 1992 establishing the list of civil servants assimilated to university professors and lecturers for the appointment of members of the National Council of Universities
Useful documents
- Guide for PhD students at the University of Lyon
- Code of ethics regarding the borrowing, citation and use of information sources (optional signature as the terms are included in the Doctorate Charter)
Scientific Integrity and Open Sciences
- “Publier ou périr” ! Oui mais où ? Le nouveau dilemme éthique auquel font face les jeunes chercheuses et chercheurs" ("Publish or perish! Yes but where? The new ethic dilemma that are facing young researchers"), Fondations pour la Recherche sur la Biodiversité, Press release, March 2024.
- P. V. Kamat, "Co-authors Share the Responsibility, Too", ACS Energy Lett. 2024, 9, 3, 798–799.
- F. Bouchet Moneret, R. Coutanson, A. Fiocca, C. Hernandez, A. León y Barella, E. Lerigoleur, M. Michel Rodríguez, P. Paillassard, A. Robin, S. Tandar et L. Tomasso, "Passport For Open Science,a practical Guide for Ph.D. students", Ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche.