Programs & Events

Ph.D. awards

The National Institute of Applied Sciences of Lyon recognizes the scientific impact of Ph.D. students' research work but also its impact on societal issues and the Sustainable Development Goals. To this end, the Institute organizes each year its edition of thesis awards, and awards 6 prizes of 1000 euros on each of the 5 societal issues that structure INSA Lyon's research: "Energy for sustainable development", "Environment: Industrial and Urban Natural Environments", "Information and Digital Society", "Global Health and Bioengineering" and "Transportation: Structures, Infrastructure and Mobility", as well as for CIFRE Ph.D. thesis in partnership with ANRT.


2024 Laureates

In 2024, the thesis award ceremony was held in conjunction with the 2023 PhD graduation ceremony. We congratulate the winners of the 2024 thesis prizes for theses defended in 2023:

  • "Energy for sustainable development": Yoann JOVET (CETHIL laboratory / MEGA Doctoral School) for his work entitled "Sustainability of industrial heat decarbonisation strategies through 4E (energy, exergy, economic and environmental) optimisation"
  • "Environment: Natural Industrial and Urban Environments": Gabriel PERLI (IMP laboratory / EDML Doctoral School) for his work entitled "De la conception de deuxième génération de monomères époxy à base de liquides ioniques à la fin de vie des thermodurcissables multifonctionnels dégradables"
  • "Information and Digital Society" issues: Valentine WARGNIER DAUCHELLE (CREATIS laboratory / EDISS Doctoral School) for her work entitled "Interprétabilité des réseaux de neurones profonds et segmentation faiblement supervisée des lésions cérébrales sur IRM"
  • "Global Health and Bioengineering" issues: Paul NOBRE (CREATIS laboratory / EDISS Doctoral School) for his work entitled "Sondes et capteurs de champs électromagnétiques à liaisons optiques pour la sécurité en IRM"
  • "Transportation: Structures, Infrastructures and Mobilities": Alizée BOUCHOT MADRIGNAC (LaMCoS laboratory / MEGA Doctoral School) for her work entitled "Identification quantitative de caractéristiques physiques des interfaces solides en lien avec les propriétés tribologiques"
  • CIFRE: Hugo FOURNIER (Ampère laboratory / EEA Doctoral School) for his work entitled « Aeroelastic Reduced-Order Modeling and Active Control of Flexible Aircraft »




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