Co-supervision and Habilitation to Conduct Research (HDR)

Co-supervision and Habilitation to Conduct Research (HDR)

Ph.D. thesis co-supervision

Co-supervision of a Ph.D. thesis differs from advising in that the co-supervisor has the same prerogatives as the thesis supervisor. Thus, beyond his/her daily support in the progress of thesis work, he/she is fully involved in the definition of the thesis and the scientific objectives to be achieved. Also, the support to the doctoral student for his/her post-doctoral professional project is also part of the responsibilities of the co-supervisor.

At INSA Lyon, researchers (Associate Professors, Research Officers, etc.) who do not have the HDR may request a derogation for the co-supervision of the thesis of INSA doctoral students through an application submitted to  the CCED (Consultative Committee for Doctoral Studies), which will examine the submission and issue a decision on the authorization of co-direction. Co-supervision is considered a 50% involvement in the thesis. This request must be made with a view to preparing the Habilitation to Conduct Research (HDR) and considers in particular:

  • The number of co-advised Ph.D. students
  • The number of co-directions already obtained (typically within the limit of 3 before the passage of HDR)
  • The year of registration of the doctoral student. It is strongly recommended to apply for co-supervision as early as possible in the thesis.


Habilitation to Conduct Research

Being the diploma of the highest academic level, the Habilitation to Conduct Research "sanctions the recognition of the high scientific level of the candidate, the original nature of his approach in a field of science, his ability to master a research strategy in a sufficiently broad scientific or technological field and his ability to supervise young researchers" (Order of 23 November 1988 on the authorization to conduct research).

Persons holding this degree, who may be eligible for the University Professor competition, may supervise theses or co-supervise them without requesting a derogatory decision from the CCED. The application for authorization to register for the HDR is made by an application to be submitted to the CCED.