Ph.D. proposals
Several media provide Ph.D. proposals:
- At the institutional level of INSA Lyon, the Espace Carrière regroups several Ph.D. proposal that are shared with the Institute.
- The laboratory websites can also provide Ph.D. proposals:
AMPERE : Electrical Engineering, Automation and Bioengineering
Biologie Fonctionnelle, Insectes et Interactions (BF2I) : biology, physiology, functional genomics
Centre d'Innovation en Télécommunications et Intégration de services (CITI) : telecommunications
Centre de Recherche en Acquisition et Traitement d'Images pour la Santé (CREATIS) : biomedical informatics and biomedical devices
Centre d'Energétique et de Thermique de Lyon (CETHIL) : thermal engineering, energetic
Déchets, Eaux, Environnement, Pollutions (DEEP) : environmental engineering
Décision et Information pour les Systèmes de Production (DISP) : Production Systems, Industrial Engineering, Information Technology
Engineering Science Lyon – Tohoku for Materials and Systems under Extreme Conditions (ElyTMaX, French-Japan lab) : materials, energy conversion
Environnement, Ville, Société (EVS) : social sciences
GEOMAS (Géomécanique, Matériaux, Structure) : mechanics of structures, materials and geomechanics
Ingénierie des Matériaux Polymères (IMP) : macromolecular chemistry, physico-chemistry, rheology and measurement of physical properties
Institut Camille Jordan (ICJ) : mathematics
Institut de Chimie et de Biochimie Moléculaires et Supramoléculaires (ICBMS) : synthesis methodology, sustainable chemistry, biomolecules, biochemistry, tools for medicine and biology
Institut des Nanotechnologies de Lyon (INL) : functional materials, electronics, engineering and light conversion, health and environment
Laboratoire de Génie Électrique et Ferroélectricité (LGEF) : electroactive materials and systems, coupled materials and systems
Laboratoire d'Informatique en Images et Systèmes d'Information (LIRIS) : Data, System and Security, Computer Science and Geometry, Images, Vision and Learning, Interactions and Cognition, Algorithmics and Combinatorics, Simulation and Life Sciences
Laboratoire de Mécanique des Contacts et des Structures (LaMCoS) : tribology, non-linear dynamics, vibration structures, surface integrity, composites, numerical simulation of processes, mechanical and electromechanical transmissions, bioengineering
Laboratoire de Mécanique des Fluides et d’Acoustique (LMFA) : fluid mechanics, acoustics
Laboratoire Nanotechnologies et Nanosystèmes (LN2 ; French-Canadian lab) : energy on chip, nano-electronics, integrated photonics, packaging, impacts, uses and society
Laboratoire Vibrations et Acoustique (LVA) : structural dynamics, acoustics, vibro-acoustics
Matériaux : Ingénierie et Science (MATEIS) : materials development, microstructural characterization, structure-property relationships, evolution of materials in service
Microbiologie, Adaptation et Pathogénie (MAP) : microbiology, pathogenesis, adaptive mechanisms, functional genomics
- Finally, it is also possible to check Ph.D. proposals at the national level through Association Bernard Grégory.
If you would like to publish a Ph.D. proposal, you can contact us.