Research Path
Research Path
Research jobs, whether academic or industrial, mobilize specific skills denoting the particularity of carrying out projects using innovative and disruptive postures. To this end, the engineering departments curriculum have set up, with the assistance of FEDORA, "research paths" allowing such awareness of research for engineering students trained in the Institute.
The Research Paths are part of the skills acquired through the practice of research among 5 families (Source: ABG)
- Disciplinary skills:
- Scientific and technical skills;
- Transversal skills:
- Information processing, argumentation, communication, language skills;
- Capacity for methodological and scientific self-training;
- Project management, teamwork, networking;
- Computer skills and general culture.
The principle of these courses is thus based on training THROUGH research, and allow learning about the world of research, whether for a Ph.D. or in private Research and Development structures for example.
Research Paths are implemented with the support of the Engineering cycle Departements: